Deficiency Symptoms
Check out this list of deficiency symptoms to see if you are lacking in some nutrients.
Get the most common Vitamins and Minerals from food.
Amino Acids
Amino Acids might be lacking in your diet, causing problems to your health.
Enzymes aid in digestion and if not available in the right amounts can cause all sorts of digestive problems.
Coconut Oil
Virgin organic Coconut oil has healing qualities that kill viruses and support your immune system.
Schuessler Salts
Dr Schuessler Cell Salts or Biochemic Tissue Cell Salts are a form of homeopathic remedies to provide minerals.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Find out what's wrong with you: T.M.A. is screening your hair for 40 elements, 26 nutrients etc. and 14 toxic elements.
Medical Cannabis
Medical use of Cannabis (also called Marihuana or Marijuana). Support for the forbidden medicine.