Sound Healing
, sacred sound vibrations.
Music healing with sound energy for health and harmony.
Unlock the doors to your subconscious healing power with an ancient system of numbers and sound!
When tapped, tuning forks produce pure musical intervals based on mathematical proportions known as the Pythagorean tuning ratio. By attuning the nervous system to a particular pitch, tuning forks can be used for healing.
Solar Harmonic Spectrum Tuning Forks set contains eight aluminum forks tuned to a full octave (notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C) that produce the soundwaves and vibrations necesary to promote deep relaxation and foster healing.
The Om Tuner is tuned to the 136.1 Hz frequency of the cosmic Om vibration. Use it to tune in to universal energies.
All cultures of the world have used music as a way of communication, in ritual or for entertainment. There is not one culture without music or sound. music is the appreciation of sound and all sound is potentially music. The Li Ji (book of Rites), edited by Confucius, says: "music is intimately connected with the essential relations between beings."
According to Dong Zhongzu, second century Chinese philosopher: "The vital spirits of humankind, tuned to the tone of heaven and earth, express all the tremors of heaven and earth, just as several cithars, all tuned on gong (C tonic), all vibrate when the note gong sounds. The fact of harmony between heaven and earth and humankind does not come from a physical union, from a direct action; it comes from a tuning on the same note producing vibrations in unison.... In the universe nothing happens by chance, there is no spontaneity; all is influence and harmony accord answering accord."
Rene Guenon comments about the ancient Vedic texts of India: "The affirmation of the perpetuity of the Vedas is directly connected with the cosmological theory of the primordial nature of sound among sensible qualities (sound being the particular quality of ether, akasha, which is the first element). This is why it is said that the Rishis or sages of the first ages 'Heard the Vedas." 10 She continues, explaining: "In the first chapter of Hebrew Genesis, the primordial sound is the divine Word, of which all things were made. Revelation, being a work of the Word, like creation itself, is actually a hearing for those who receive it."
Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, mathematician and musician perceived the universe as a vast musical instrument and called the sacred sound of the universe the "music of the spheres." He believed that sound was the link between the gods and man.
Sacred sound was known in ancient China as "Kung" or the cosmic tone. Other names for sacred sound are: the soundless sound, the key note, the fundamental, the cosmic sound and OM.
Sound and wave phenomena
Any object that can be made to vibrate produces sound waves. This sound is formed of one or more fundamental notes, and other notes called harmonics. sounds used in music usually have one fundamental note. For example, C is the fundamental note of a musical piece that is composed in the key of C. The harmonics of this note and their relative intensity give the sound its characteristics. The harmonics can be reinforced, enhanced and expressed with various instruments. Harmony is created through superimposing sounds. If the sounds are played by a composer in succession, rather than simultaneously, a melody is born.
The great mystery of sound is that there is no solidity. A sound form that appears to be solid is actually in constant motion that is created by underlying vibrations. Our ancient ancestors conceived of our universe as being organized in a manner similar to that shown in Cymatic pictures. For them, everything was a manifestation of the underlying vibration of sacred sound.
This is demonstrated by the study of wave phenomena, called Cymatics. Cymatics shows us that vibration (sound) is made of three fields: pulse, form and wave. We usually think of sound as a wave. Wave and form are simultaneously created from pulse. These three wave phenomena are completely interconnected and cannot exist without each other.
These terms, pulse, wave and form, originated in musical vocabulary, and as Gurdjieff states: "This is the 'Law of Three' or the law of the three principles or the three forces. It consists of the fact that every phenomenon, on whatever scale and in whatever world it may take place, from molecular to cosmic phenomena, is the result of the meeting of the three different forces."
We are a vibrating medium made up of pulse, form and wave. Some people tend to identify more with their form aspect, i.e., their physical body. However, when you realize that you are constantly emanating and receiving pulse, you can begin to reorient yourself towards vibration. You can change, move and flow with the natural currents of nature and yourself, and then move into contact with Sacred sound. The gateway to sacred sound is audible sound, the sound that we hear with our ears. Sacred sound is the pulse that is everywhere which creates and affects all life.
Angel Tuner
Bring heaven and Earth together with Angel Tuners™. These unique tuning forks create overtones at 096, 160 and 225 Hz — secondary sounds that arise out of and complement the fundamental "C" tone. These secondary tones ascend in pitch, and it is this ascent that represents the archetypal stairway to heaven, or Jacob's Ladder. Based on the 9th octave, Angel Tuners produce a sound that is delicate and high. As you train your ear to hear the overtone intervals, it is said doorways begin to open into greater awareness.